Debt Settlement Services

At Sunrise Law Firm, PLLC we also offer our clients debt settlement services as an alternative to bankruptcy. Especially now, due to economic downtime, when so many are struggling with keeping up their credit card and personal loan debt payments. Even though creditors may provide some financial release during times of hardship, however, such reliefs may not always be just and fair. We are here to help to settle/negotiate your debt or to fight for you in court. ​

Further, before you proceed with a debt settlement, you need to know that your credit score may be affected as well as you may owe taxes on forgiven debt. However, even if you owe taxes on the forgiven debt amount, you can still claim exemption based on hardship, if any. ​

Next, under the Federal Fair Debt Collection Act, FIA Card Services and other laws, creditors cannot use abusive, deceptive and/or unfair debt collection practices to make you pay. If you have become a victim of such unfair debt collection practices, you may have a case against a debt collection agency. ​

Thus, we are here to help. If you believe you need an experienced debt settlement and tax attorney(s), call our firm to discuss your needs. We are happy to help.

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